Follow These 7 Steps to Become an Author

Michael DeLon

My Story

Writing a book is a dream.

Writing a book is a nightmare.

A dream—because virtually everyone has thought about writing a book, knows they should write a book, and wants to write a book.

A nightmare—because virtually everyone who starts writing a book quickly discovers how difficult it is.

When I wrote my first book, the task consumed dozens of evenings and weekends. My family thought I had become a hermit. I believed I would never finish. But by sheer force of will I pushed through and published On Marketing.

And the book transformed my business.

Business owners who before would not give me the time of day were lining up to meet with me.

After sending a copy of On Marketing to them ahead of time, I would walk into our meeting to see my book lying on their desk! They would quote my words, speak my language, use my terms. They knew I was the expert.

Out of that experience grew Credible Author. Our mission is to bring authorship to all by giving small business owners the resources they need to get their message out into the world.

That is why Credible Author exists.

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Your Story

A few years after my experience creating On Marketing, I wrote Book Writing Boot Camp so you will never have to experience my book-writing trauma. See, creating and publishing a book does not have to include hair-pulling, head-banging, and fist-clenching. Confusion, frustration, and exasperation do not belong here.

Don’t hear me say that publishing is easy. Oh no. Authoring a book is absolutely hard work. But while it’s not easy, it can be simple.

Armed with a clear process and some tips along the way, you can become an author.

Let us guide you to publishing success. Here’s an overview of the simple 7-step process we teach in our course and book:

STEP 1: Plan. Before you begin to write, you must know why you want to be an author, what you have to say, and who you want to tell.

STEP 2: Prepare. Still not time to write yet! You need to extract ideas from your head, then create an outline.

STEP 3: Create. Here are strategies for producing incredible content, without the stress and time normally involved. Also demystifies revising, editing, and proofreading.

STEP 4: Bookify. Yes, we made that word up. It just means taking your manuscript and making it a bit more book-like. Front matter, back matter, all that fun stuff.

STEP 5: Enhance. Books should look good. Whether by adding images or adjusting fonts, you can use these tactics and tricks to improve your book’s visual appeal.

STEP 6: Design. Oh yeah, books have covers too. Maybe we should talk about those. Never fear, STEP 6 is here! It includes everything you need to find inspiration, brainstorm well, hire a graphic artist, and slap a stunning cover on your wonderful book.

STEP 7: Publish. The moment you have been waiting for. Your hard work is now being rewarded. You get to hold your book in your hands and see it on Amazon.

So get started! Check out our free course for a full explanation of every one of those steps.

Soon you will be an author…and an authority.

Michael DeLon

About The Author

Michael DeLon is the founder of Credible Author. When he's not helping people become authors, he loves reading great books, playing games with his wife and daughters, and meeting up with good friends for early-morning coffee.

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