How to Carry Off a Successful Brain Dump

Michael DeLon

Where to Brain Dump?

Don’t do your brain dump in the office. You will probably be distracted half a dozen times in the first half hour—phone calls, coworkers, text messages, “emergencies” that spring out of nowhere. Go to a quiet place like the library.

Or if you prefer coffee shops, bring some earbuds to use while sipping your latte and planning your book. I wrote this section of the book sitting in a Chick-Fil-A with earbuds in and music on. If you want a music recommendation, as I wrote I was listening to Spotify’s “Atmospheric Calm” playlist: laid-back yet focusing. My other favorite playlists for concentration are PEACE, Brain Food, and Trance Life.

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When to Brain Dump?

Devote at least 90 minutes to this exercise. Being forced to stop abruptly because you have a meeting or appointment will really put a kink in your groove.

Schedule your Brain Dump into your calendar at the most high-energy period of your day. For me, that’s first thing in the morning. Some people rebound in the early afternoon with post-lunch coffee, or get their best work done by staying late at the office. Whatever time is best for you, schedule the Brain Dump then. Thinking is hard work, and you want to be at the top of your game for this.

Near the end of last year, I took a day away from it all. A guy I know owns a home on several dozen acres, and he generously lets people like me use his space to sit and think. I used the time to refocus and think through my priorities for the coming year. By the end of the day, I was exhausted! Again, thinking is hard work. Devote your top-priority hours to your Brain Dump and you’ll do well.

Michael DeLon

About The Author

Michael DeLon is the founder of Credible Author. When he's not helping people become authors, he loves reading great books, playing games with his wife and daughters, and meeting up with good friends for early-morning coffee.

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